About Us
GFL’s founder David Nicholas is an experiencer, channeller and practicing mystic.
“I don’t really know what to call myself anymore. I AM you and you are ME is the most relevant thought in my mind at time of writing. Receiving and processing messages from our divine cousins has been an essential part of my ascension journey so it’s safe to say I was directed to start the GFL station as a stand alone YouTube channel in 2022 and it hasn’t looked back since. Thank you for allowing us to be of service.”
Extraordinary Experiences
David and his partner Kelley Lynn have a wide variety of experiences ranging from direct contact with the Angelic Realms to messages from Jeshua.
"We were directed to launch the GFL Station on account of the huge upcoming UFO/ET disclosures..."

Our Mission
“So many are like us in receiving galactic guidance so we don’t consider ourself anything special. We are dedicated to bringing forth teachings we are given by our angelic helpers as accurately as possible, to best serve YOU, our fellow light bearers. My sole purpose with The GFL Station is to build a sense of community & one-ness through the messages that we receive & share.”
Our Values
We receive messages that we post via The GFL Station through us and number of other channellers. We ask that you process each message with discernment and do NOT take anything as TRUTH unless it resonates with you personally. With each message we are dedicated to:
- Add value to the collective
- Faithfully create galactic messengers
- Honour the Creator