Lightbearers of Earth; A pivotal moment of divine timing unfolds on Earth as transformative shifts begin. The magnetic core of Earth is set to undergo expansions, realigning Earth with the Sun. The Sun, with its dual aspects—one nurturing life with light and warmth, the other reflecting the brilliance of your Higher Self through the Sacred Sun—plays a vital role in this transformation.

For the first time, humanity is introduced to the Sacred Sun’s elemental powers, a consciousness that mirrors your magnificence through its rays. This revelation invites you to a journey of self-birth, engaging with the Sacred Sun to embrace its pure, higher consciousness. Daily interaction with the Sacred Sun’s rays through your Heart opens a multidimensional space for light to flourish within you.

Your Heart, the core of your being and the gateway to your sacred existence, is where all universal interactions stem. The connection to the Sacred Sun’s consciousness has always been within you. By aligning with the Sun, you blend with Prime Creator, embodying an aspect of the divine trinity.

This alignment awakens dormant transmitters within your cells, activating a unique creation light that pulsates through your energetic systems, quickening your Heart cells. This process not only empowers you to manifest desires but also reopens dormant brain centers, enhancing your creation energy and accelerating multidimensional rebirth.

These shifts illuminate your systems, enabling a deeper connection to your sacred power. As you engage with the Sacred Sun, you redefine the interaction between your human and sacred selves. Your imperfections are part of your humanity, and embracing them with self-love accelerates your awakening.

Now is the time to transcend the matrix of illusion, accessing your higher aspect with ease through the Sacred Sun’s support. This transition into higher consciousness is achieved by letting go of preconceptions and immersing in the moment through your Heart.

We, the Pleiadians, encourage you to experience life anew, allowing unfamiliar spaces to unfold and discovering liberation and peace in surrender. Embrace moments of clarity and confusion with equal openness, understanding that your energetic upgrade is ongoing.

Remember, you’re not alone. Invite the support of energetic alliances into your Heart space, trusting that your path is divinely guided. Gratitude and surrender are key as you navigate this transformative journey, assured of a fulfilling conclusion. In love and light, we support you on this sacred path of becoming.

We are with you. We love you. The day of great re-union is coming and it’s going to BLOW YOUR MINDS my starseed family. Until our next message, our deepest blessings to you. The Pleiadians.

CHANNELED BY: ‘A Messenger Of Pleiadian Keys’

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