YOU MUST PREPARE FOR THESE NOW – Ashtar Sheran – Ashtar Command

Brothers and Sisters of Earth, I, am Ashtaar Sheraan, with a message about your ascension. Your journey on Earth is not confined to the limits of physicality. Instead, it’s an opportunity to explore and integrate the vastness of your being, to discover that beneath the surface lies an invincible, vibrant force—an eternal presence that animates your every breath and thought.

This inner essence is your true self and it awaits your discovery, amidst the fleeting shadows of the material world. The body you see and interact with is an entryway to a deeper, unassailable truth. It’s a portal to your true being, a journey towards understanding your sovereignty beyond the confines of physicality. Lightworkers, you must take more time to go within at this time. To get still and tune into your REAL self. This is going to be key in the coming days, weeks and months, as ascension energies increase greatly.

The path you are on cannot be stopped and the reality of a new density must be prepared for. Many of you have been pleading to move into higher realms without really realizing how different it is from your current state of awareness. Everything you enjoy in the physical is about to SHIFT radically and you will miss it. We all miss it when it happens and so this is why we are sharing these words with you. Enjoy every second and slow down. Appreciate the simple material things that you have.

If you are going through a challenging time right now, ask your greater or “higher self” why this is. State that you are ready to move beyond the difficulties and to reveal to you ‘NOW’ how to do this with ease and grace. This time of inward exploration will unravel a realm of peace, power, and vibrant energy, preparing you for the stark contrast to the fleeting nature of physical life and it’s important to acclimatize to this NOW.

The key to reconnecting with your true being lies in shifting your focus from thought to the sensation of the inner body, where your life force ‘IS’ and can be accessed. This practice opens the door to an understanding of your place in the cosmos, dissolving the illusion of separation and encouraging you to see yourself as an integral part of the whole. It’s time to recognize your identity beyond the physical, to embrace the journey of awakening that transforms your understanding of existence itself. Your collective path to enlightenment is through a deep, transformative connection with your physical bodies. Your individual ascension journey is an inward voyage that illuminates the Creator ‘within’ the physical, reshaping your perception of reality.

My dear starseeds; now is the time to realize your full potential, to step beyond the limitations that you have allowed to be imposed upon you for too long by external authorities, and embrace the true sovereign laws of the universe. This next initiation will be your guide as you take your next steps on the evolving landscape of your ascension, lighting the way for a series of profound realizations of your infinite, eternal nature. I, am Ashtar Sheraan of the Ashtar Command, and we watch you beyond the stars, but closer than you know.

Channeled By Dave Akira

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