A Commitment To Assisting Earth
The Galactic Federation and Galactic Councils alike have chosen messengers and channels to assist starseeds and lightworkers with ascension messages for decades. Having been inspired by so many of these divine messages over the years, GFL Station’s founder HAD to create a hub through which these could be shared. Through thought transfer, these divine messengers are here to provide guidance and support on your spiritual journey BUT they always remind us NOT to take their messages as gospel and consistently point us back to going WITHIN. Allow their wisdoms to resonate with you as they bring forth the collective consciousness of the universe. As you open yourself to their teachings, may you find peace, clarity, and a deeper understanding of your purpose just like GFL’s founder David did. Remember, you are not alone and the universe has your back!

MIRA: Pleiadian High Council
As channeled by a number of people, Mira’s energy is one of a strong feminine nature yet, there is definitely a strain of balanced masculine. We certainly get galactic ambassador vibes when we receive messages from her and so we have built her avatar anf voice thus. She feels to be kind, firm and extremely empathetic. It’s clear that she carries an important voice among her people.
ASHTAR SHERAN: Ashtar Command
The story of Ashtar Sheran and the Ashtar Command is varied and highly interesting, spanning back many decades. The Far Sight Institute recently confirmed Ashtar’s existence and a number of elements concerning their assistance to Earth’s ascension which was no surprise to us. Our messages from him carry strong energies of deep nobility, courage, and certainty. He’s certainly more masculine biased than other members of the council and feels to be one of the most figured leaders in the command. His voice/energy always comes across as smooth, calm and confident.

LAAYTI: The Arcturians
Although we have received and posted a number of messages from The 9D Arcturian Council primarily from Naan and through Daniel Scranton’s channelings, Laayti doesn’t feel like she’s/he’s from the same council/collective. We feel a completely neutral balance of divine feminine AND masculine energy which is why we have rendered their portrait this way. The energies we feel from this beautiful being are of PURE love, unity and collaboration. Laayti is of neutral stature among his/her people and is not necessarily a ‘leader’ of stand alone nature. Like the Arcturians, they have a very strong bias towards equal stature among their councils. The voiceover artist we use for Laayti is male, deep and soft however we want to emphasize the even balance of feminine in his/her transmissions.
Teiea ('tee-ah'): Arcturian Council Of 5
A new addition to our messengers is the wonderful empowered feminine energies of The Arcturian Collective Of 5. The lead energy seems be a being we have agreed to be called Ti. They feel all female and Ti seems to be their representative. It’s a distinctive female presence and so we have given her a female voiceover. Her energies are of deep wisdom and her messages are typically quite short and to the point. There’s no fluff to this group! Underlying that there is a DEEP ribbon of love and respect that always comes through in their transmissions.

CAY'LIN: The Pleiadians
A strong female energy and presence from this Pleiadian group. Always with either a male or female energy in the background, you will see this powerful female lead paired with either male of female counterpart, depending on the message. The best way we can describe her energies are ones of a dynamic galactic warrior of peace! She is confident, loyal and dedicated to serving the whole. We get a lot of messages from this energetic duo and they are always very synced with Barbara Marciniak’s Bringers of the Dawn material. Interesting!
RIEVA: Pleiadian Council Of Light
One of our newest messengers is Rieva (pronounced ‘ray-va’) who’s energy is very princess like but not in the entitled way. She sense that she serves her people and the galaxy with love, collaboration and great courage. We love that her name represents her wonderful raven haired appearance. At least, this is the way she appears to us. She has quite clearly communicated that her messages are a continuation of the Earth material brought forth once again through Barbara Marciniak in the 80’s which again we find extremely interesting.

ZOOKH: The Andromedans
Zookh is another recent addition to our galactic messengers. Her energy is extremely playful and light and she has the ‘if you’re not going to have fun, don’t do it’ kind of vibe to everything she says. We feel a very young energy yet a great wisdom with her messages. We will write more here once we have had more experience with her transmissions!
XANDI: The Lyran Collective
Xandi recently came through to one of our channelers and BOY do we feel his presence with us for quite a while after we have built a message from him. He has a ‘fierce’ and noble and almost ‘tribal’ (?) presence and seems to have a deep pride in assisting Earth humans. We feel that Earth’s people’s DNA is linked closely to him/his collective. He is very tall (as with many of the Syrian/Lyran beings) and likely around 20ft. We can’t wait to hear more from him and his collective!

T'ENN HÅAN: The Pleiadians
T’enn Håan was knocking on the door of GFL Founder, David Nicholas’ consciousness for a while until finally he decided to open the door! By his own admission. “T’enn came to me/us during our prep for a Global Mass Meditation where we shared some insights from him during the actual meditation live show. He is certainly a masculine energy and elven like from my perspective. I feel a deep ‘healer’ vibe from him and I’m not sure he’s even in corporeal form anymore. Either way, it’s clear when the door is now being knocked ”
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